Untamed, by Glennon Doyle, is one of my favorite reads this year. Listen, if you haven’t read this yet, get it on your Christmas list now and plan to not put it down once you start reading. This book moved me tremendously as she told stories about herself, about women she knows, and about women in general. She discusses the taming we all go through in this society. I recognized my life in so many places.
I am some what older than Glennon, and believe me, I know about that taming. I have been a people pleaser my whole life. Maybe it was being the middle of three girls, always placating one or the other. Or maybe it was trying to get my parents attention by pleasing them. Whatever set me on the path, it has been a long road to learn to not always try to please. After reading this book, I would say I had been quite well tamed.
I did a lot of thinking about my life as I read the vignettes. Each one has it’s own wisdom to impart. As I enter the last third of my life, I think daily about how to make each day beautiful and now, I think of how to live it untamed. Glennon says in Chapter Imagine, “My job is to listen deeply to women. What many tell me is that they harbor an achy, heavy hunch that their lives, relationships, and world were meant to be more beautiful than they are…’Isn’t it all just supposed to be more beautiful than this?’” This discontent is what she says we can use to stir our imaginations, that “your imagination has not given up on you.” YES! I know this to be true.
There is a “knowing” inside of us, that we tend to push down, deny, rebuke, but it is only when you let the knowing rise to the surface that you can let go of what’s holding you back. This book will help you do that if you are struggling, but even if you are older and have no problem with stating how things are, living untamed, there are still beautiful bits of wisdom you will walk away with from this book.
I wish I’d had this when I was seventeen. I wish I had had some words of wisdom whispered in my ear back then, but as we all know to well, we often times just won’t listen and all those many lessons I have learned over my many years have brought me to this untamed point and I have to say, it’s beautiful.
Read this. Seriously. Now.